The Career Pod is a collaboration with Career Services and is open to any undergraduate, graduate, or professional student from any major at the university. Students are required to attend all three sessions as well as complete a 1:1 Coaching Session with either a Career Service’s Specialist or a Purpose Center staff member.
Strengths-Based Careers and Goal Setting for the Job/internship search
In this session we will open with a Strengths refresher to help students become familiar with their strengths. Each student will receive a personal insight report and reflect on how their personal insights influence their career choices and challenges. We will end the session with setting intentional career based goals.
Strengths-Based Job/Internship Search and Resumes
The job/internship search can be challenging if you do not know where to start. In this session we will explore job/internship resources and how to create an effective search plan based on your dominant strengths domain. We will close the session with resume basics and how to incorporate your Strengths into your resume. Students will have the opportunity to have their resume reviewed and given back to them in the last session.
Strengths-Based Interviewing
In this session, we will review resumes and talk about tailoring resumes to specific job/internship descriptions for the first 10-15 mins. The majority of the time will be spent working on understanding how you can use your strengths to effectively interview. This session will run 90 mins to allow time to practice interviewing.
No scheduled sessions at this time.
If you'd like to schedule a free workshop for your organization or team, reach out to