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Leadership Pod

During this 4-part, in-person series, you'll work with small groups and staff from the WVU Purpose Center and Adventure WV to learn your top 5 CliftonStrengths® and how to leverage them to become a stronger, more effective leader. In our interactive sessions you will learn about: Your own personal leadership styles and the effectiveness of each style, needs of your followers, and how to provide strengths-based feedback. This pod is open to any student and any major, however it is limited to the first 20 students who register. By registering, you are committing to attend all four sessions. This initiative is a collaboration between the WVU Purpose Center and Adventure WV.

Strengths-Based Leadership Style and Effectiveness

In this session we’ll review our top five strengths and how they help us be successful as leaders and how they might get in the way. Adventure WV will facilitate an activity with reflection to identify how our strengths helped us and where they maybe got in our way during the activity; we’ll also reflect on how we can continue to craft our unique leadership styles.

Needs of Followers

In this session, we’ll learn about the research behind the four needs of followers, how you can better understand those you lead, and how you can better understand the strengths of those you lead.

Strengths-Based Feedback

In this session you’ll learn how to more frequently give both positive and constructive feedback and how to incorporate strengths into daily performance and recognition

Leadership Pod

  • Mondays-- March 3, 10, 24, and 31, 2025
  • 1:00-2:30 p.m.
  • Rhododendron Room; Mountainlair
Register for Session: Leadership Pod